Purification Media


Release date:2017.09.27    Browse times:1635


Pure Easy NMC is a patented water purification media designed to remove heavy metals such as lead and mercury, chlorine, organic chemicals such as ammonia and pesticide, and extend life of other filter media.  NMC are metal clusters formed on porous ceramic balls with specific surface area and porosity 100 times more than that of KDF™ media. NMC media has strong redox ability from its micron-level primary cells. It also inhibits the growth and breeding of bacteria and viruses due to shifting of oxidation/reduction potential. 


Grain diameter

1.0-1.5 mm

Bulk density

0.9 g/cm3

Capacity per gram of NMC

100 - 500L (depending on 

influent concentration)




Silicon dioxide

Aluminum oxide

Physical State

Solid grain


Black and brown


·       Removes chlorine

·       Removes heavy metal ions

·       Removes organic chemcials

·       Inhibits growth of bacteria and viruses

·       5 times the effectiveness of KDF™ media


·       Municipal water treatment

·       Commercial water treatment

·       Household water treatment

·       Safe to mix with other filter media

Optimal Handling Condition

·       Filter flow rate: <6 L/min

·       Media quantity: >200 g

·       Bed layer thickness: >4 cm

Packaging Dimensions


Corrugated barrel

Specific Weight

900 kg/m3

Barrel Dimension

33 x 33 x 47 cm

Net Weight

25 kg

Gross Weight

27 kg







Copyright Guangzhou Pureeasy Hi-tech Co. Ltd.